Neuroscience at NIH Research Areas

The NIH has over 180 laboratories spanning 14 Institutes, all conducting research in the basic, translational, and clinical neurosciences. Many of these laboratories and facilities are clustered together on the collegiate NIH campus in Bethesda; over 80 can be found in the The John Edward Porter Neuroscience Research Center alone. On this page are investigators throughout the NIH listed by neuroscience-research areas. Expand the research areas and click on the investigator names to learn more or click to see an alphabetical listing of neuroscience investigators.

This vibrant, highly collaborative, interactive, and multidisciplinary environment offers researchers:

  • Access to state-of-the-art core research facilities.
  • Opportunities for trainees and researchers at every level, including pre- and postdoctoral research and clinical training programs. 
  • Scientific retreats; grant-writing and career development workshops.
  • Dozens of topical seminars and events, as well as Special Interest Groups.

To learn more about training opportunities in neuroscience at NIH, please reach out directly to investigators. You can also visit the NIH Office of Training and Education for more information about NIH training programs in general and search current Postdoctoral Opportunities in Neuroscience.

Explore webpages for NIH Institutes currently conducting neuroscience research to learn about their individual programs:  NCCIH • NEI • NHGRI • NIA • NIAAANIAID • NICHD • NIDA • NIDCD • NIDCR • NIDDK • NIEHS • NIMH • NINDS. 


Investigators by Research Areas 

Ion Channels, Transporters and Neurotransmitter Receptors

Cell Biology of Neurons, Muscle and Glia 



Integrative Neuroscience

Neurological Disorders

Behavioral Neuroscience

Synapses and Circuits

Neural Development and Plasticity

Functional and Molecular Imaging

Neuroimmunology and Virology


Clinical Neuroscience