Faculty Directory

Scientists, physicians, and clinicians conduct cutting-edge and rigorous research as well as scientific and clinical training in laboratories and clinics on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, to advance the fundamental knowledge of the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to understand, diagnose, treat, and prevent neurological disease, in a vibrant, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and flexible environment.  

Principal Investigators (PI)
Over 50 PIs lead research laboratories that that conduct biomedical basic, translational, and clinical neuroscience research, ranging from molecular biophysics to surgical neurology.

Assistant Clinical Investigators (ACI) and Independent Research Scholar (IRS)
ACIs and IRSs are early-career pre-tenure-track investigators who conduct independent research and receive advanced mentoring; they have the opportunity to apply for a tenure-track position at NIH or elsewhere.

Adjunct Investigators 
NINDS Adjunct Investigators collaborate and work closely with NINDS research groups, participate in NINDS initiatives and activities, and contribute to the NINDS mission, but have primary appointments at other NIH institutes.

Core Directors
Core Directors oversee centralized state-of-the-art facilities that provide shared scientific resources, equipment, technologies, services, and expertise to support, expand, and accelerate research capabilities, foster collaboration, provide training to NINDS laboratory and clinics.

Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians
Staff Scientists are highly skilled researchers who work collaboratively within NINDS to support and enhance the research of Principal Investigators or core facilities, but do not lead independent research programs. Staff Clinicians are primarily physicians within NINDS focused on providing patient care and clinical leadership, often contributing to clinical research protocols under the supervision of Principal Investigators.

Scientists Emeriti
Scientists Emeriti are distinguished NIH scientists who have officially retired from roles as Branch, Laboratory, and Section Chiefs, yet maintain an ongoing working relationship at NIH.