For Researchers


Image of cytoskeletal components in migrating GnRH neuron. Credit:  Yufei Shan/Susan Wray
Image of viral infection thwarted just outside the CNS. When virus (labeled in green) enters the nasal passages, its spread is abruptly halted just before entering the CNS. Credit: McGavern Lab
Image of iPSC-derived Sensory Neurons. Credit: Alec Nickolls

The NINDS Intramural Program has a wide variety of  branches, laboratories, sections, units and clinics conducting research on a broad range of focus areas in neuroscience. Below is a breakdown by interest group, please click on each subject to learn more about our investigators working in these research areas.

Research Areas

For more information on the The NIH Guidelines for the Conduct of Research at NIH, please visit the NIH Sourcebook.

Human stem cells expressing the HERV-K envelope protein. Credit: David Wang