CCB Events


CCB Invited Speakers
Comparative Brain Physiology Consortium Mini-Symposium Invited Speakers (left to right): Alberto Cruz-Martin (Boston University), James Bourne (NIMH), Laura Benoit (Columbia University), Matt Chaffee (University of Minnesota), and CCB Director Bruno Averbeck (NIMH)

CCB Annual Meeting and Events


Seminar Series

The CCB hosts a seminar series over the course of the year with distinguished speakers from various NIH Institutes. Seminars are held in-person with an option to remotely participate. More information about the speakers and seminar topics will be announced via the listserv closer to the event date. Please sign up for the listserv or reach out to Sebastian Peña-Vargas to be added.


2024 Schedule

Date Location Speakers Seminar Title

Spring Seminar

March 15, 2024

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH Bethesda Main Campus
Building 49
Room 1A51/1A59

Michelle Antoine, PhD

Katharina Kircanski, PhD

To be announced

Summer Seminar

June 14, 2024

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH Bethesda Main Campus

To be announced

To be announced

Winter Seminar

December 13, 2024

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH NIDA Baltimore Campus

To be announced

To be announced


Date Location Speakers Seminar Title

Winter Seminar

December 9, 2022

2:00PM - 4:00PM

National Institute on Drug Abuse
251 Bayview Blvd
Room 03C219
Baltimore, MD 21224

Guohong Cui, MD, PhD

Angela Langdon, PhD

“Local Mechanisms of Therapeutic Deep Brain Stimulation”

"Task-State Representations and the Control of Prediction"

Spring Seminar

March 24, 2023

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH Bethesda Main Campus
Building 40
Room 1201/1203

Ellen Leibenluft, MD

Zheng Li, PhD

"Studying Brain Mechanisms of Frustration Across Species"

"The Clinical Perspective" (Ellen Leibenluft)

"The Rodent Perspective" (Zheng Li)

Summer Seminar

June 30, 2023

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH Bethesda Main Campus
Building 40
Room 1201/1203

Yi Gu, PhD

Rosario Jaime-Lara, PhD, FNP-BC

Rodolfo Flores-Garcia, PhD

"A consistent map in the medial entorhinal cortex supports spatial memory"



"Investigating the effects of alcohol/palatable rewards on approach-avoidance conflict resolution"
CCB Seed Grant Final Progress Report Presentation

Winter Seminar

December 15, 2023

2:00PM - 4:00PM

NIH NIDA Baltimore Campus

Andrew Lutas, PhD

Mary Kay Lobo, PhD
University of Maryland, Baltimore

"Timescales of cAMP signaling that underlie motivation and learning"


"From molecular insights in addiction to unexpected models of repetitive disorders"


CCB Annual Retreat

The CCB Annual Retreat is a day-long event for CCB members, faculty, fellows, and all other interested parties to come together and share research projects and ideas about compulsive behaviors. Throughout the course of the event, attendees are encouraged to network, ask questions, and engage in discussion with each other and the many distinguished guest speakers. There is no fee to attend, and pre-registration is requested for proper planning. More information will be announced via the listserv.


Date Location

Annual Retreat

September 20, 2024

9:00AM - 5:00PM

NIH Bethesda Main Campus


Comparative Brain Physiology Consortium

The Comparative Brain Physiology Consortium hosts intramural and extramural speakers to present on topics related to non-human primate research.

Date Location Speakers


May 31, 2023

1:30PM - 5:30PM

NIH Main Campus

Building 40

Room 1201/1203

James Bourne, PhD

Alberto Cruz-Martin, PhD
Boston University

Matt Chafee, PhD
University of Minnesota

Laura Benoit, PhD
Columbia University