Our Team

Photo of the Ward Lab


Photo of Michael Ward
Senior Investigator
Michael E. Ward, M.D., Ph.D.


Dr. Ward received his B.S. from Kenyon College in 1999 and M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Washington University in St. Louis in 2007. As a graduate student, he worked in Yi Rao’s lab and studied the regulation of cell migration during neurodevelopment. Following a neurology residency at the University of California in San Francisco, he sub-specialized in behavioral neurology and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Li Gan’s lab studying basic mechanisms of frontotemporal dementia. As a fellow he received an American Brain Foundation CRTF award and a NIH K08 career development award. In 2015 he joined the NINDS as an Assistant Clinical Investigator. His research focuses on identifying intersecting mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, with an ultimate goal of developing targeted, disease-modifying therapies for affected patients.

Current Lab Members:

  • Hebao Yuan - Lab Manager
  • Michael Fernandopulle - OxCam MD/PhD Student
  • Stewart Humble - OxCam MD/PhD Student
  • Saadia Hasan - UCL GPP MD/PhD Student
  • Sarah Hill - Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • Jenn Colon Mercado - Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • John Replogle - Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • Demi Lombardo - Office Manager
  • Sahba Seddighi - OxCam MD/PhD Student
  • Veronica Ryan - Post-Doctoral Fellow
  • Allison Snyder - Clinical Fellow
  • Joel Reyes - Post-Baccalaureate
  • Syed Shah - Data Scientist (50%; contractor)
  • James Hawrot - Brown GPP PhD Student

Lab Alumni:

  • Rajan Patel - MD student, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Connor Ludwig - PhD student, Stanford
  • Robert Chen - MD/PhD student, Washington University School of Medicine
  • Shannon Leslie - PhD student, Yale
  • Ali Taubes - PhD student, UCSF