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Our paper on katanin regulation by the tubulin code is out! Tubulin glutamylation and glycylation act combinatorially and antagonistically to regulate microtubule severing Congratulations Ewa, Elena, Steven and Kishore and special thanks to Yan Li for mass spec analyses!

Stephanie was awarded a PRAT postdoctoral fellowship!  Congrats Stephanie!!!

Congrats to Beth for her NINDS postdoctoral fellowship award! Go Beth!

We received a NIH director's innovation challenge award in collaboration with Hari Shroff and AIM to obtain a 4D map of the tubulin code in human neurons! Multiple positions open!

Kishore was selected as a speaker at the "Rising Stars in Cell Biology" Symposium at Johns Hopkins.

Stephanie was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from NINDS. Congratulations Stephanie!

Antonina is the 2023 recipient of the International Award from the Biochemical Society. Read more about it here.

ER navigates the cell using the tubulin code! Our new collaborative paper with the Lippincott-Schwartz and Blackstone labs is out! [abstract]

Congrats to Ilia for his F32 fellowship award from NINDS!


Jiayi's microtubule comets design is pictured on the cover of Developmental Cell.

Cells have microtubules populations with distinct dynamics. How does this asymmetry arise? Check our recent paper in which we show that tyrosination specific recruitment of regulators at the microtubule ends regulates microtubule dynamics creating microtubule populations with distinct dynamics in cells. Massively fun collaboration with Nikita Gudimchuk and his team on molecular dynamics. Check it out, as well as the nice Preview. Congratulations Jiayi and Aga! 

Our paper on the mechanism of poly-Glu chain initiation and elongation is out in Nature Structure and Molecular Biology! Fantastic collaboration with Nico Tjandra’s lab at NHLBI and Martin Tanner’s lab at UBC with expert mass spec help from our own Yan Li! C. From inhibitors to structure to enzymatic mechanism. Congrats Kishore, Keith, Maddie and Yanjie!


Kishore's paper with the Reber Lab is out in Current Biology!

Jiayi was awarded an NINDS postdoctoral fellowship. Congrats Jiayi!

Our paper on the cryo-EM structure of katanin bound to the tubulin tail is out in Dev. Cell! Congratulations Elena, Ewa and Aga!


Annie gave a great talk on lattice tubulin exchange by severing enzymes at Biophysics.


Our paper showing that microtubule severing enzymes promote tubulin exchange within the microtubule is out in Science! Congratulations to Annie, Ewa, Elena and Jeff!


Antonina was selected as the 2017 Keith R. Porter fellow! Honored and excited to receive the award from Erika Holzbaur at ASCB. Looking forward to thinking about ways to draw the public and students into the beautiful world of cell biology!

Elena gave a great talk on the katanin structure at ASCB!

Antonina is promoted to Senior Investigator!

Our paper on the structure of katanin using cryo-EM, X-ray diffraction and SAXS is out in Nature Structure and Molecular Biology. More than 25 years after its discovery by Ron Vale, we can now have a first glimpse at this formidable molecular machine. Congratulations Elena and Aga!

Farewell party for Keith with the traditional Daruma gift from Antonina. We will miss you Keith and look forward to seeing you paint in the second eye!

Our paper on the structure of the TTLL3 tubulin glycylase and the competition between glutamylases and glycylases in estabilishing the tubulin code is out in PNAS. Congratulations Chris, Ian and Yan!

JCB profile on what makes Antonina tick, Decoding the secrets of tubulin complexity.

Keith was accepted into awesome graduate programs and will start at Duke this fall. Congratulations Keith!

Annie was awarded the best poster prize at the Hopkins graduate retreat for her work characterizing the effects of tubulin isoforms on microutbule structure and dynamics. Congratulations Annie!

Raj was accepted by all colleges he applied to. Congrats Raj! Well done! He will start at Harvard this coming fall.

Annie gave an awesome talk on how tubulin isoforms tune microtubule dynamics to a packed room at ASCB!

Raj's research project in our lab for the last two summers earned him a semifinalist position in the Math, Science and Technology Siemens competition and the Regeneron Science Talent Search. Way to go Raj!


Chris got one of the two jobs he applied for and will start his own lab the coming fall. Congratulations Chris!

Antonina attends the Blavatnik National Awards Gala at the National History Museum in New York. Check out the pictures!

Raj won the Outstanding Summer Student Award at NINDS. Congratulations Raj!

Antonina won the Emerging Leader Prize from the American Society for Cell Biology. Read the press release from ASCB.

Antonina is one of the ten Blavatnik Awards finalists in the Life Sciences! Read the press release from the New York Academy of Sciences and the Blavatnik Foundation.

Our paper connecting RPGR glutamylation by TTLL5 to retinal dystrophy is out in PNAS! Congratulations James and thanks to our collaborators in the Li lab!

Our paper on the structure and dynamics of recombinant neuronal human microtubules was selected as Paper of the Week by JBC! Congratulations Annie and Jeff and thanks to our collaborator Joe Atherton in Carolyn Moores' lab!

Our paper on the rheostatic regulation of microtubule severing by tubulin glutamylation is out in Cell with a nice preview. Congratulations Max!


Antonina was selected as one of the Gibco Emerging Leader award finalists by ASCB. Find out more about how she got interesed in science from her ASCB Newsletter essay.

Chris was awarded the prize for the best poster at the NINDS retreat describing his work on the structure and mechanism of the TTLL7 glutamylase. Congratulations Chris!

Our paper on the mechanism of the TTLL7 glutamylase is out in Cell with a nice preview. Read the press release here! Congratulations Chris, Annie and Liz!


Antonina is the recipient of the 2015 Margaret Dayhoff Award from the Biophysical Society.

Annie is off to start her Ph.D. in the Hopkins-NIH graduate program. We miss you Annie already, but we look forward to having you back soon!

Max is off to start in the M.D./Ph.D. program at Harvard. We will miss you Max!

Our paper on the tubulin acetyltransferase is out in Cell with a nice preview. Read the press release here!

Antonina gives a talk at the Porter Neuroscience Center Innaugural Symposium.

Annie decides to join the NIH-Hopkins graduate program and continue her exciting work on tubulin modifications in our lab.  We are thrilled that you decided to stay Annie!!!

Max is accepted into awesome MD/Ph.D. programs at UCSF, University of Washington, Harvard, Hopkins and Yale.  Maybe I left a few out … Congratulations Max!!!

Annie is accepted into awesome graduate programs at Berkeley, UCSF, Hopkins! I might have forgotten a few … Congratulations Annie!!!

Porter Neuroscience Research Center dedication and opening. Check it out!


Chris was awarded a Canada Research Council postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations Chris!

Chris was awarded an NINDS postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations Chris!

Antonina teaches in the Physiology course at MBL Woods Hole. Check out the 4th of July microtubule float the students made for that year!


The first research paper from the lab is on the cover of Nature Structure and Molecular Biology!

The first joint Roll-Mecak and Shroff lab retreat in Tuckahoe State Park

We finally move into our space in the Porter Neuroscience Center! Time for a party!

Antonina teaches in the Physiology course at MBL Woods Hole.


Antonina is featured in Science Careers

Antonina was just named a Searle Scholar