NINDS Training Highlights

Training Highlights showcases research and mentoring experiences within the NINDS Division of Intramural Research (DIR) training programs. Visitors will have access to first-hand information about the range of opportunities that our DIR training program provides. Browse the articles below to learn more.

Photo of Wiezhen (Zane) Xie, Ph.D., NINDS Training Highlight

Meet Pathway to Independence Award Winner Dr. Weizhen (Zane) Xie

April 2023

Weizhen (Zane) Xie, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the NINDS Division of Intramural Research, recently received the NIH Pathway to Independence Award. Learn about Dr. Xie’s research interests and his mentorship philosophy as he transitions into the independent investigator phase of his award early next year.


NINDS Training Highlight Poorva Jain. Photo courtesy of Ms. Jain.

Serving on a Planning Committee as an NINDS Trainee

March 2023

Did you know that NINDS trainees can help plan a symposium at NIH? Graduate student Poorva Jain recently served on the planning committee for the 19th Annual NIH Graduate Student Research Symposium. Check out our interview with Ms. Jain to learn more about this unique opportunity.


Photo Ryan Shepard, Ph.D.

Becoming a Clinical Trial Results Analyst After NINDS Training

February 2023

Ryan Shepard, Ph.D., had finished his first year of postdoctoral training at NINDS, but the COVID-19 shutdown rendered him curious about scientific careers away from the bench. Wanting to make a broad impact in science, he became a clinical trial results analyst. Read more about Dr. Shepard’s decision to enter the regulatory field.

 Photo of NIH Distinguished Investigator Mark Hallett, M.D.

Dr. Mark Hallett Imparts His Mentorship Wisdom

January 2023

Mark Hallett, M.D., Distinguished Investigator in the Human Motor Control Section, has mentored at least 150 trainees over the course of a long and successful career in neuroscience research. In honor of Dr. Hallett’s retirement at the end of 2022, we asked him a few questions to capture and share his fine-tuned mentorship philosophy.

Photo of Dr. Katherine Roche

Dr. Katherine Roche Highlights the NIH-Brown GPP Partnership

November 2022

Katherine Roche, Ph.D., Senior Investigator in the Receptor Biology Section, served as the NIH-Brown Graduate Partnership Program (GPP) Director from 2005 to 2022, retiring from the position this past fall. In those 17 years, Dr. Roche welcomed neuroscience students into eight different NIH institutes to partner with NIH faculty on their predoctoral research. Read on to learn about the NIH-Brown GPP partnership from a person who was there from the start.

Photo of Niteace Whittington, October 2022 NINDS Training Program Highlight

Becoming a Health Science Policy Analyst After NINDS Training

October 2022

Niteace Whittington, Ph.D., former NINDS postdoctoral fellow, became a health science policy analyst after realizing that she could use her science communication skills to translate scientific research for policy decision makers. Read about Dr. Whittington’s career journey and her advice to NINDS trainees who are interested in science policy work.

Photo of Dr. Stephanie Sarbanes

NCFA-Recipient Dr. Stephanie Sarbanes Shares her NINDS Experience

September 2022

In honor of Postdoc Appreciation Week, we highlight Stephanie Sarbanes, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Antonina Roll-Mecak. With her wealth of experiences at the NIH so far, we asked Dr. Sarbanes to answer a few questions about her NINDS research journey.

Photo of Mario Shammas

Keeping His Promise: Award Winning Research from OxCam Scholar Mario Shammas

September 2022

NIH Oxford-Cambridge (OxCam) Scholar and M.D.-Ph.D. student Mario Shammas received the honor of best oral presentation at this summer’s 2022 OxCam Colloquium. Mario uses a mouse model of a patient mutation that causes myopathy (a muscle disease) to study how mitochondria respond to stress. His work has implications for several neurodegenerative diseases—an area of research meaningful to Mario.

Photo of Price Withers, postbaccalaureate (postbac) fellow in the NINDS Division of Intramural Research

Meet the NINDS TmT Competition Winner: Postbac Price Withers

August 2022

Price Withers, postbaccalaureate (postbac) fellow in the NINDS Division of Intramural Research, received a first-place score during the internal NINDS Three-minute Talk (TmT) competition on June 2, 2022. This achievement allowed Withers to compete with trainees from 11 other NIH institutes and centers in the NIH-wide TmT competition later that month on June 30, 2022.

NINDS Postbac Fellows Alexis Blake, Duc Nguyen, and Naiya Osiyemi

A Conversation with NINDS Postbacs Entering Professional Schools This Fall

July 2022

NINDS postbaccalaureate (postbac) fellows have been selected to attend more than 18 professional programs in the Fall of 2022. In honor of this year’s postbac achievements, we asked Alexis Brake, Duc Nguyen, and Naiya Osiyemi, postbac fellows who will enter M.D./Ph.D., M.D. and Ph.D. programs, respectively, about their training experiences in NINDS laboratories.