
NIH Building 10, Clinical Center


We are always interested in motivated postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, medical students, post-bac students, and other colleagues who would like to join our lab.

General information for all interested trainees at NIH can be found here (

Postdoctoral Fellows

If you are interested in applying for a postdoctoral position, please send:

  • Cover Letter
  • CV
  • Summary of Research
  • Names of three references

Graduate Students

If you are a current graduate student interested in spending a rotation in our lab, please email.

If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies at NIH, please visit the NIH Graduate Partnership Program website (

For information about the NIH Oxford Cambridge Scholars Program, click here (

Medical Students

Medical students may apply for the NIH Medical Research Scholars Program. Information can be found here (

Undergraduate Students

Students interested in research opportunities in the lab should contact us. In addition, please visit the NIH Post-bac Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) website for more information about training opportunities (