
Wire frame brain model



Zhang J, Wittig JH, Jackaon S, Inati SK, Behrens TEJ, Zaghloul KA (2024) Fidelity of neuronal spike sequences in the human anterior temporal lobe is related to successful memory formation In Review (Data)

Xie W, Wardle, SG, Langbein J, Fruchet O, Baumhauer M, Phan A, Tong AP, Japee S, Inati SK, Baker CI, Zaghloul KA (2024) The role of the parahippocampal cortex in memory consolidation for scenes In Review (Data)

Xie W*, Wittig JH*, Chapeton JI, El-Kalliny M, Jackson SN, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2024) Neuronal sequences within spiking bursts encode information in the human anterior temporal lobe In Review (Data)

Phan AT, Xie W, Chapeton JI, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2024) Dynamic patterns of functional connectivity in human cortical networks are specific to individual memory formation In Review (Data

Diamond JM, Chapeton JI, Xie W, Jackson SNInati SK, Zaghloul KA (2024) Human focal seizures induce spatiotemporal organization in neuronal spiking bursts In Review (Data

Vaz A, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2023) Backbone spiking sequences as a basis for preplay, replay, and default states in human cortex Nature Communications In Press (Data

Youssef D, Wittig JH, Jackson S, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2023) Neuronal spiking responses to direct electrical microstimulation in the human cortex Journal of Neuroscience In Press (Data)

Xie W, Chapeton J, Bhasin S, Zawora C, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zhang W, Zaghloul KA (2023) The medial temporal lobe supports the quality of visual short-term memory representations Nature Human Behaviour 7: 627-641 (Data, Code)

Chapeton J, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2022) Functional modules of the human temporal lobe Nature Communications 13: 6263 (Data)

Tong, APS, Vaz AP,  Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2021) Ripples reflect a spectrum of synchronous spiking activity in the human anterior temporal lobe eLife 10: e68401 (Data)

Haque RU, Inati SK, Levey AI, Zaghloul KA (2020) Feedforward prediction error signals during episodic memory retrieval Nature Communications 11: 6075 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 3.5GB))

Xie W, Bainbridge WA, Inati SK, Baker CI, Zaghloul KA (2020) Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe Nature Human Behavior 4: 937-948 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 5.4GB))

Steinhardt C, Sacre P, Sheehan TC, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Sarma S, Zaghloul KA (2020) Characterizing and predicting cortical evoked responses to direct electrical stimulation of the human brain Brain Stimulation 13(5): 1218-1225 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 9.8GB))

Vaz AP, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2020) Replay of cortical spiking sequences during human memory retrieval Science 367(6842): 1131-1134 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 32.1MB))

Vaz AP, Inati SK, Brunel N, Zaghloul KA (2019) Coupled ripple oscillations between the medial temporal lobe and neocortex retrieve human memory Science 363(6430) (Download (Type: zip, Size: 161MB))

El-Kalliny ME, Wittig JH, Sheehan TC, Sreekumar V, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2019) Changing temporal context in human temporal lobe promotes memory of distinct episodes Nature Communications 10:203 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 1.3GB))

Wittig JH, Jang AI, Cocjin JB, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2018) Attention improves memory by suppressing spiking-neuron activity in the human anterior temporal lobe Nature Neuroscience 21:808-10 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 821MB))

Zavala B, Jang AI, Zaghloul KA (2017) Human subthalamic nucleus activity during decision making eLife 6:e31007 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 1.8GB))

Jang AI, Wittig JH, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2017) Human cortical neurons in the anterior temporal lobe reinstate spiking activity during verbal memory retrieval Current Biology 27: 1700-1705 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 61MB))

Yaffe RB, Shaikhouni A, Arai J, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2017) Cued memory retrieval exhibits reinstatement of high gamma power on a faster timescale in the left temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex Journal of Neuroscience 37(17): 4472-4480 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 224MB))

Yaffe RB, Kerr SD, Damera S, Sarma S, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2014) Reinstatement of distributed patterns of oscillatory power occurs with precise spatiotemporal dynamics during successful memory recall PNAS 111(52): 18727-32 (Download (Type: zip, Size: 1.6GB))


Xie W*, Wittig JH*, Chapeton JI, El-Kalliny M, Jackson SN, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2024) Neuronal sequences within spiking bursts encode information in the human anterior temporal lobe In Review (Code)

Diamond JM, Withers CP, Chapeton JI, Rahman S, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2023) Interictal discharges in the human brain are traveling waves arising from an epileptogenic source Brain 146: 1903-10915 (Code)

Diamond JM, Diamond BE, Trotta MS, Dembny K, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2020) Traveling waves reveal a dynamic seizure source in human focal epilepsy Brain 144(6): 1751-1763  (Code)

Trotta M*, Cocjin J*, Whitehead E, Damera S, Wittig JH, Saad ZS, Inati SK, Zaghloul KA (2018) Surface based electrode localization and standardized regions of interest for intracranial EEG Human Brain Mapping 39(2): 209-721 (Code and Sample Data)