Our Team


Principal Investigator

Ariel Levine, M.D., Ph.D: Ariel went to Brandeis University for undergraduate studies and graduated in 2000. She then went to the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD program and earned a PhD from The Rockefeller University in 2008 and an MD from Cornell University in 2009. During her graduate research with Dr. Ali Brivanlou, she studied the role of TGF-B signaling during embryonic development. She then did postdoctoral research with Dr. Samuel Pfaff at The Salk Institute, where she identified a novel population of spinal neurons that encode motor synergies ‒ modular neural programs for simple movements that are thought to underlie a wide variety of common behaviors. Ariel joined NINDS as an Earl Stadtman tenure-track investigator in 2015 and became a tenured Senior Investigator in 2024.


Current Members

Li Li: Lab Manager & Scientist

Fabricio do Couto Nicola: Postdoctoral Fellow

Prasong (Jerry) Mekdara: Postdoctoral Fellow

Brian Roome: Postdoctoral Fellow

Ashley Tucker: Postdoctoral Fellow

Yasin Al-Hadid: Postbaccalaureate Fellow


Postdoctoral, Graduate Student, and Research Fellow Alumni

Ryan Patterson-Cross (research fellow 2019-2020) next position: Computational biologist, University of Cambridge

Kaya Matson: (graduate Student, NIH-Johns Hopkins GPP program 2017-2022) next/current position: Postdoc with Dr. Erika Holzbauer at U. Penn

Anupama Sathyamurthy (postdoc 2016-2020) next/current position: Faculty Fellow at IIST-Bangalore


Postbaccalaureate Fellow Alumni

Eugene Kim: next position: MD-PhD student, Baylor University

Isabelle Hua: next position: MD-PhD student, University of Colorado

Stefan Stoica next position: Postbac fellow, NINDS

Courtney Dobrott next position: Graduate student, University of Colorado - Abigail Person lab

Aaron Bickert next position: Postbac fellow, NCI

Anna Ryba next position: Graduate student, Rockefeller University - Vanessa Ruta lab