Human Studies

Work in LFMI often makes use of human subjects, primarily normal volunteers. This work is done in a manner that is consistent with all the rules and regulations of the NINDS Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Clinical Center guidelines for use of human subjects. Subjects are used in support of MRI studies aimed at developing new anatomical, functional, and molecular MRI techniques. We are always looking for new volunteers for the imaging studies. Volunteers are given a stipend for their participation. Interested people should contact Susan Guttman and to

Studies Actively Recruiting Healthy Volunteers:

00-N-0082:  Study of New Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods of the Brain 

16-N-0031:  Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sleep Study With Auditory Stimuli

How to get started?

Work with human subjects in LFMI is done under the supervision of the NINDS IRB, the Clinical Center, and the NIH NMR Center Human Imaging Committee. For a detailed description of procedures that are followed prior to starting any studies that involve human subjects in LFMI, please go to AMRI web page,