Our Team

We are a highly motivated team aiming to provide a deep understanding how molecules and behaviors interact with each other in the brain. Projects in the lab are typically developed through extensive discussion and brainstorming, and are often pursued through a collaborative manner with a postdoc or a student leading the project.

Photo of Wei Lu

Wei Lu, Ph.D.
Senior Investigator

Ph.D., New York University (with Edward Ziff)
Postdoctoral fellowship, UCSF (with Roger Nicoll)
E-mail: luw4@mail.nih.gov
Phone: 301-594-6207

Faculty profile: https://research.ninds.nih.gov/faculty/wei-lu-phd


Photo of Qingjun Tian

Qingjun Tian (since April 2017)
Biologist/Lab Manager
Expertise: rodent colony management,
neuronal culture and in utero electroporation
E-mail: qingjun.tian@nih.gov
Phone: 301-594-2337


Research Fellows

Photo of Wenyan Han

Wenyan Han, Ph.D. (Since June 2016)
Ph.D. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
Research: Biology and physiology of GABA-A receptors,
psychopharmacology, behavior
Expertise: electrophysiology, biochemistry and behavior
E-mail: wenyan.han@nih.gov
Phone: 301-594-2337

Photo Saurabh Pandey

Saurabh Pandey, Ph.D. (Since July 2017)
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Research: Intracellular signaling for GABAergic
synapse development
Expertise: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
E-mail: saurabh.pandey@nih.gov
Phone: 301-594-2337


 Postdoctoral Fellows

Photo of Guohao Wang

Guohao Wang, Ph.D. (Since August 2020)
Ph.D. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research: Identification and characterization of protein complexes
important for synapse development and function
Expertise: Biochemistry and Genetics
E-mail: guohao.wang@nih.gov
Phone: 301-594-2337

Shixiao Peng
Shixiao Peng, Ph.D. (Since March 2022)
Ph.D. Nanjing University, China
Research: GABA systems in peripheral nervous system
Expertise: Electrophysiology and Neural Circuit Function
Phone: 301-594-2337
Miriam Edith Reyes Mendez, Ph.D.


Miriam Edith Reyes Mendez, Ph.D.  (Since July 2023)
Ph.D. University of Colima, Mexico
Research: Regulatioin of GABA-A receptors and GABAergic transmission by auxiliary subunits
Expertise: Electrophysiology
Phone: 301-594-2337


Postbac Students

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Starlina Shepard (Since July 2023)
B.S., Virginia Tech, Clinical neuroscience and Biochemistry
Research: GABA-A receptor function
Expertise: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
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Sophia Ostergren (Since August 2023)
B.S., University of Minnesota, Nutrition and Neuroscience
Research: Synapse development and function
Expertise: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience