Staff Directory


Headshot of Carsten G. Bönnemann
Neuromuscular & Neurogenetic Diseases of Childhood, Neurogenetics Branch (NGB)
Headshot of Prashant Chittiboina
Neurosurgery Unit for Pituitary and Inheritable Diseases, Surgical Neurology Branch (SNB)
Leonardo G Cohen, MD
Leonardo G. Cohen, M.D., Senior Investigator
Human Cortical Physiology and Neurorehabilitation Section, Medical Neurology Branch (MNB)
Jeffrey S. Diamond, Ph.D.
Jeffrey S. Diamond, Ph.D., NINDS Scientific Director and Senior Investigator
Synaptic Physiology Section
Headshot of Jozef H. Duyn
Jozef H. Duyn, Ph.D., Senior Investigator
Advanced MRI Section
Headshot of Lucy Rachel Forrest
Lucy R. Forrest, D.Phil., Senior Investigator
Computational Structural Biology Section
Headshot of Edward Giniger
Edward S. Giniger, Ph.D., Senior Investigator
Axon Guidance and Neural Connectivity Section
Headshot of David S. Goldstein
David S. Goldstein, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Investigator
Autonomic Medicine Section
Headshot of Joshua Gordon
Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., NINDS Adjunct Investigator and NIMH Director
Integrative Neuroscience Section
larger headshot
Rebecca F. Gottesman, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Investigator and Stroke Branch Chief
Cognition and Neuroepidemiology Section, Stroke Branch