Jozef H. Duyn, Ph.D.

Headshot of Jozef H. Duyn
Senior Investigator
Advanced MRI Section

BG 10 RM B1D724

Dr. Duyn received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics at the University of Delft, Holland where he was involved with the development of X-ray diffraction techniques, as well as the early development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). During his postdoctoral assignments at the University of California, San Francisco, and at NIH, his research focused on the study of human brain physiology, as measured by spectroscopic and functional MRI techniques. Dr. Duyn moved to NINDS in 2000.

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In addition to providing structural information, MRI has the potential to non-invasively map physiologic parameters and function. Our research focuses on optimally exploiting this potential by investigating the mechanisms behind MRI contrast, exploring avenues to manipulate the contrast, and optimizing MRI data acquisition and analysis to achieve optimum sensitivity, resolution, reliability, and accuracy. Specific aims are the development of MRI techniques for the measurements of structural anatomy, tissue metabolism, tissue perfusion, and the spatial distribution of brain activity. Recent work has focused on high field MRI technology, the magnetic properties of brain tissue, and the study of spontaneous brain activity.

Visit the Advanced MRI section of LFMI website
Visit the Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging website