Pablo Miranda Fernandez, Ph.D.

Photo of Dr. Pablo Miranda
Staff Scientist
Molecular Neurophysiology Section

BG 35A RM 3F-121

Dr. Miranda Fernandez is a Staff Scientist in the  Miguel Holmgren lab since 2012. He received his Biochemistry and Molecular Biology degree in 2002 from University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. In 2009 he received his PhD from University of Oviedo working on the physiological regulation and molecular architecture of the hERG channel. Dr. Miranda Fernandez went on to do postdoctoral training  with Dr. Teresa Giraldez where he studied the activation mechanism of potassium and sodium channels. He joined the NINDS in 2012 as postdoctoral fellow in Miguel Holmgren lab exploring the structure and biophysics of various ion channels and transporters. Now he is Staff Scientist in the Holmgren Lab and his work is focus in the activation mechanism of the BK channels and in the synthesis of membrane proteins in axons.