Mufeng Li, Ph.D.

Headshot of Feng Luo
Staff Scientist
Molecular Physiology & Biophysics Section

BG 35A RM 3D-955


Dr. Li received her Ph.D. from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. She obtained her postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Kenton Swartz at NINDS, where she studied the structure and operational mechanism of ATP-activated P2X receptor channels. During her postdoctoral training, Dr. Li received a Pathway to Independence Award (K99). Currently Dr. Li is a staff scientist at NINDS. The focus of her research is to understand the molecular properties of ion channels, and to relate these properties to their functional roles under physiological and pathological conditions.

ATP, the essential intracellular energy source, can be released from cells as an extracellular signaling molecule to modulate numbers of cellular responses. For instance, ATP is released from damaged tissues as a danger signal to initiate pain sensation and inflammation. Extracellular ATP exerts its function by activating cell-surface receptors, including G-protein coupled P2Y receptors and ion channel P2X receptors. P2X receptor channels have been demonstrated to be promising drug target for treating inflammation, neuropathic pain, and chronic cough. Dr. Li’s current research mainly focuses on determining the molecular operational mechanisms of P2X receptors under physiological and pathological conditions, through which she will be able to further elucidate the functional roles of ATP signaling in vivo and to provide foundation for therapeutic design targeting P2X receptors.