Bridgette Jeanne Billioux, M.D.

Photo of Dr. Bridgette Billioux
Staff Clinician
International Infectious Disease Unit, Office of the Clinical Director

BG 5601FL RM 4D48

In general, Dr. Billioux research interests focus on how infectious agents, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites, affect the nervous system.  As the head of the Program in International Neuroinfectious Diseases, she has been involved in several international clinical research projects.  Most notably, she runs the Neurology Substudy of the PREVAIL III Natural History of Ebola study, a longitudinal cohort study following Ebola virus disease (EVD) survivors and their close contacts.  Dr. Billioux has found that many EVD survivors suffer from neurological sequelae, including headaches, memory loss, depressive symptoms, abnormal neurological findings, and rarely seizures; however, over time, these survivors improve and are able to go back to a normal life. She is currently working on an imaging project that will involve CT scanning of Ebola survivors and their close contacts to better understand imaging changes associated with EVD. She is also involved in other international studies in association with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH, including a randomized control trial of therapeutics for Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, among other projects.

At the NIH Clinical Center, Dr. Billioux works with a number of collaborators across different institutes to better understand and characterize several different neuroinfectious and neuroimmunologic diseases.  In particular, Dr. Billioux sees patients with HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis in conjunction with Dr. Steven Jacobson’s lab; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and multiple sclerosis patients with the Neuroimmunology Clinic; and patients with cryptococcal meningitis and severe or unusual herpetic infections (including Mollaret meningitis) in collaboration with colleagues in NIAID.  She is also interested in how emerging infections affect the CNS, such as Jamestown Canyon Virus, Ebola Virus Disease, Zika virus, etc, and sees these patients under the Neuroinflammatory protocol.

Billioux, Bridgette Jeanne. Neurological Complications and Sequelae of Ebola Virus Disease. Current Infectious Disease Reports. 2017 May; 19(5):19.

Billioux, Bridgette Jeanne; Avindra Nath, Eric Stavale, Joseph Dorbor, Michael Sneller, Mosoka Fallah, Bryan R. Smith. Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination in Survivors of Ebola Virus Disease. JAMA Neurology. 2017 Jul 17.

Enose-Akahata, Yoshimi; Breanna Caruso, Benjamin Haner, Emily Charlip, Govind Bhagavatheeshwaran, Bridgette Jeanne Billioux, Joan Ohayon, William M. Switzer and Steven Jacobson. Development of neurologic diseases in a patient with primate T lymphotropic virus type 1 (PTLV-1): Evidence for simian to human transmission of PTLV-1. Retrovirology. 2016 Aug 12;13(1):56.

Leibovitch, Emily; Caruso, Breanna,; Ha, Seung-Kwon; Schindler, Matthew; Lee, Nathanael; Luciano, Nicholas; Billioux, Bridgette Jeanne; Guy, Joseph; Yen, Cecil; Sati, Pascal; Silva, Alfonso; Recih, Daniel S; Jacobson, Steven. Herpesvirus trigger accelerates neuroinflammation in a nonhuman primate model of multiple sclerosis. PNAS. 2018 Oct 30; 115(44):11292-11297.

Yoshimi Enose-Akahata, Shila Azodi, Bryan Smith, Bridgette Jeanne Billioux, Ashley Vellucci, Nyater Ngouth, Yuetsu Tanaka, Joan Ohayon, Irene Cortese, Avindra Nath and Steven Jacobson.

Immunophenotypic Characterization of CSF B cells in Virus-Associated Neuroinflammatory Diseases and Multiple Sclerosis. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Apr 30;14(4).

Azodi, Shila; Nair, Govind; Enose-Akahata, Yoshimi; Charlip, Emily; Vellucci, Ashley; Cortese, Irene; Dwyer, Jennifer; Billioux, Bridgette Jeanne; Chevaz, Thomas; Ohayon, Joan; Reich, Daniel; Jacobson, Steven. Imaging Spinal Cord Atrophy in Progressive Myelopathies. Annals of Neurology. 2017 Nov;82(5):719-728.

Leibovitch, Emily; Lin, Cheng Major; Billioux, Bridgette Jeanne; Graves, Jennifer; Waubant, Emanuelle; Jacobson, Steven. Prevalence of salivary human herpesviruses in pediatric multiple sclerosis cases and controls. Multiple Sclerosis. 2018 Mar1.